Egg Donor

Become An IRMS Egg Donor

The Institute maintains an active, on-site egg donor program. To become an IRMS Egg Donor, you must be a healthy non-smoker between the ages of 21 – 31. The egg donation process begins with an application requiring detailed personal medical information about you and your immediate family. If upon application, you meet our criteria, you will be scheduled for our Donor Screening Day. On this visit, you will attend an informational seminar, have a physical exam with an IRMS physician, meet with our social worker, and have blood work testing performed.

IRMS seeks healthy egg donors of all ethnic backgrounds. To maintain privacy and confidentiality, donor couples and recipients remain anonymous and do not meet. Matching of recipients and donors is based on many factors including hair color, eye color, skin tone, ethnicity, education and medical history.

Donors are compensated $9,500 for the completion of a cycle and up to $10,000 for subsequent cycles.

For more information on becoming an IRMS Egg Donor, please contact our Donor Team at