
IRMS Recommends Holistic Infertility Treatment: Taking Care of Your Body

An infertility diagnosis can often seem overwhelming, as if it is suddenly taking over control of the reproductive life of a patient. Our physicians at IRMS are always ready to help couples regain this control with expert advice and a state-of-the-art embryology lab, but there are also individual ways to increase one’s chances of successfully conceiving. One major strategy to prepare your body for pregnancy is to invest in your own mental and physical health.

The intended parents’ health is an often-overlooked contributor to individual fertility. It is well-documented that being overweight or obese diminishes one’s fertility outcomes, but less noted that healthy eating, sleeping, and exercise habits can further increase your chances of conceiving and delivering a healthy baby.

All of our doctors ascribe to this belief, especially Dr. Debbra Keegan who is a big proponent of the importance of taking care of yourself and your body during infertility treatment. In order to optimize their fertility, she recommends that all of her patients focus on their own mental and physical health throughout the process. This includes quitting smoking, maintaining a low-glycemic and balanced diet, limiting caffeine and alcohol intake, and exercising regularly. Physical exercise can also help infertility patients by acting as a natural stress reducer and strengthening one’s mental health, important when undergoing fertility treatments. Patients often feel there is so much out of their control when undergoing fertility treatment but improved health and wellness is one thing you DEFINITELY can control and it goes a LONG way in benefiting your journey.

Dr. Keegan in her Bar Method class.
Dr. Keegan in her Bar Method class.

Dr. Keegan is an avid follower of her own advice, regularly attending Bar Method classes and eating healthy, balanced meals daily. She encourages all of her patients to take charge of their own health, recognizing that it can be a vital factor in one’s level of fertility. Cultivating healthy habits will not only increase your quality of life and make you stronger, it is a way you can take charge of your body and increase your chances at a positive pregnancy outcome.

If you are in need of a fertility assessment and identifying ways to optimize your own chances of conceiving please contact Dr. Keegan’s office in East Windsor at 609.448.4300 or our main office at 973.548.9900 or you can simply complete our contact form.

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