
IRMS & The Alliance for Fertility Preservation – Fertility Tools for Cancer Patients

Alliance for Fertility PreservationIRMS is proud to announce it’s affiliation with the “Alliance for Fertility Preservation” and it’s new online tool “Fertility Scout”. This tool allows cancer patients and oncology professionals to search for fertility preservation services in their area, and to submit referrals or request appointments through their secure online system.

Through the support of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) the Alliance for Fertility Preservation was created to assist newly diagnosed cancer patients get the information they need on fertility preservation. Founded by Joyce Reinecke, former Cancer & Fertility Adviser for the LIVESTRONG Foundation as well as former Vice President of Programs for Fertile Hope. Throughout her tenure at Fertile Hope, Joyce worked to expand patient and provider awareness of fertility preservation and of advances in the burgeoning field of Oncofertility.

She was instrumental in developing groundbreaking programs and services including innovative patient materials, a provider education program and Fertile Hope’s Centers of Excellence program. Joyce is the co-author of 100 Questions & Answers About Cancer and Fertility as well as several articles on cancer & fertility.

Joyce has also given countless presentations to varied audiences across the country, and collaborated with leading professional and patient organizations to promote dialogue and policy change. Joyce is a long-term survivor of leiomyosarcoma who opted for embryo freezing and surrogacy to create her family. Her personal Oncofertility journey has helped form her professional focus and her commitment as a patient advocate.

IRMS applauds Joyce and The Alliance for Fertility Preservation for their tremendous efforts in Oncofertility. For further information on this IRMS alliance and/or to hear more about our dedicated oncofertility programs here in New Jersey, please contact our oncofertility nurse navigator, Pat Rucinsky at 973-322-2829 or 973-322-8286.

We are here to help. All of our oncofertility patients are seen within 24-48 hours of calling our office.

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