
Oncofertility – Addressing Breast Cancer and Fertility

After recently attending a support group of breast cancer survivors, I realized many are unsure of what to do AFTER they have survived their cancer if they did not preserve eggs prior to chemo or radiation.

Many report their period has returned and are now unsure just what to do to determine if they are still fertile and if trying to have a baby may be an option for them.

Actually determining your ovarian reserve is a relatively easy process. During a standard new oncofertility patient appointment at IRMS, you would meet with your physician to discuss your health history and we would initiate some very simple tests that would help us to determine your ovarian reserve and get a baseline on your fertility. In that appointment, we would conduct a physical exam and with a transvaginal ultrasound get a look at your ovaries and also perform an antral follicle count (seeing the number of follicles in your ovaries that house your eggs). We would also do AMH bloodwork, and depending on where you are in your cycle, take FSH bloodwork as well. These three “markers” together give us a real sense of whether your ovarian reserve would give you a good statistical probability of having a healthy baby.

Since carrying a pregnancy after certain types of breast cancer can also be an issue your IRMS physician and your oncologist would work together with you to determine if carrying a pregnancy is a safe option. If it’s not, other options such as using a gestational carrier can be explored.

Learn more about our Oncofertility Program and book an appointment.

We are here to help.

All of our Oncofertility patients are seen within 24-48 hours of calling our office.

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